We wanted to make you aware of AOC’s School Gratitude Fund. If you are interested in making a gift to this fund, please read the information on how to do so and how the fund will support AOC school staff.
Donate to express your support for our school heroes in these dark and challenging times.
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our teachers, principals and staff as never before. Through the pivot to remote learning last spring and the resumption of in-person classes in the fall, they have worked tirelessly, going above and beyond to provide an excellent, faith-filled education to our children.
Even as infection rates have soared across Chicagoland, archdiocesan schools have been recognized by government leaders, health department officials and national local media as having a best-in-class re-opening plan. In addition, our plan is being used as a model by other school systems.
As effective as our approach has been, it has put an enormous strain on school teachers, staff members and leaders. They have risen to the challenge and created an environment that is safe and responsive to the overwhelming parental desire for in-person instruction and to accommodate those who prefer virtual learning. Our 4,000 teachers, staff members and school leaders are courageous heroes who deserve our consideration, respect and thanks.
We give thanks for extraordinary service.
The Archdiocese of Chicago has launched a School Gratitude Fund. Donations to the fund will support and thank our heroic Catholic school staff members and express our collective gratitude by offering each a small but meaningful monetary gift.
Gifts to the School Gratitude Fund can be made as follows:
Online at archchicago.org/teacherfund
Checks can be made payable to: “Catholic Bishop of Chicago” and please write “School Gratitude Fund” in the memo line.
Mailing address:
Stewardship & Development Office
Archdiocese of Chicago
835 N. Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611
The Tax ID # for the Archdiocese of Chicago is 36-2170826
If you have any questions, please contact Brendan Keating, Chief Development Officer: bkeating@archchicago.org or 312.270.4027.